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Gateway Residential & Community Support Services
If you are in crisis, please contact COAST at 1-866-550-5205

Region Funded Programs

In partnership with The Raft, Port Cares and Southridge Church, Gateway is the lead organization in the Outreach, Housing First and Home for Good programs. 

  • Home For Good

    A supportive housing program for clients who are homeless with complex needs who require multiple supports.
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  • Housing First

    A recovery-orientated approach to end homelessness that centers on quickly moving people experiencing homelessness into independent and permanent housing as well as providing additional supports and services as needed.
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  • Niagara Assertive Street Outreach Team

    Niagara Assertive Street Outreach team that offers any and all services to individuals living on the streets.
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What Our Clients Say

  • "Gateway supported me to move out of my previous home and into their group home on Griffith, after I had just attempted suicide. They help me learn how to cook and clean. They taught me independence."
    - Nancy D.

If you, or someone you know, could benefit from our housing services, please contact us.